Above, Brenten trying to look deep in thought. Below, Brenten with his very pregnant teacher, Mrs. Benson.
My handsome little boy has graduated from kindergarten. One down, I guess you could say. He was so excited to have us at his school for his special day. All the kindergartners had a program in the cafeteria where they sang a bunch of songs about moving on to 1st grade. They did a great job. The teachers must have spent a ton of time on it. After their program, we went to Brenten's classroom for his graduation. That was nice because it was only his class opposed to all 6 kindergarten classes. We could easily see him when his name was called for his award. He was very proud of this award of "Best Reader". All the kids got different awards.
Brenten has grown so much this year. He has grown in inches. The pants I bought him at the beginning of the school year were too big and by the middle of the year they were too short and by the end of the school year his replacement pants were just barely fitting. No room for him to grow another centimeter. He also grew socially. He now thinks he is king of it all. He loves to hang out with this friends and do thing independently of me. Scholastically he has really improved. He reads so well now. He is doing great. He also loves math and does very well with it. He is so excited for 1st grade. Congratulations to my little man, Brenten!!!I will miss him in first grade being gone all day. But I will NOT miss that kindergarten schedule. That is the worst. I can't say I wasn't warned. But it is such a nuisance.