Sunday, September 5, 2010

So so busy

Lately I feel like I get busier by the day. I feel like I get nothing done and on top of it I feel like my kids have gotten close to no quality time. I love that my boys are in soccer but I can't wait for it to be done so that we can have more time together just us. Earlier this last week I was feeling like my chest hurt all the time. So I decided to make a change. First change is I don't care if the house gets clean. I will work on certain things but if it doesn't get done oh well. It really is true the dishes will still be there in the morning. The next thing was that I set out a little bit of time for each kid to just play with them. and the last thing I changed is no more gym on Wednesdays. I thought I was going to die but i just get up early and work out and then I am done. It has been amazing. For one, my chest doesn't hurt anymore and I don't feel like I am going to have a melt down at any time. The hardest thing for me was to admit to myself that I couldn't do it all and be sane at the same time. I had to get over that too. So if you come to my house and it isn't clean. Sorry, I don't care anymore. I am playing with my kids. Or watching TMZ. My new obsession.


chris w said...

I'm so glad. I would much rather come visit you in a dirty house than visit you in the hospital. :)

I have a theory that your chest pain might be coming from some other places besides dishes being in your sink. I guess we'll have to let some of that go too, huh?

Emily said...

Hey Becky! You've that place, where we all want to be-living out our priorities first, and letting the other stuff work itself out.

Regarding the housework/cooking, because, well, we know it does kinda need to be done, at least to some person encouraged me to make a menu for each week or 2 weeks (takes the brainwork out of meal planning) and then for cleaning, write down a few chores that you do each day. For example, maybe Mondays is laundry and clean the bathrooms, Tuesday is vacuum and windex windows/mirrors/doors, Wednesdays is laundry, water plants and sweep/mop, etc. You get the point. Just break down the weekly chores and do a little each day, so it doesn't become overwhelming and so that you don't feel like you're trying to do all of it every day and feeling like you're failing at getting any of it successfully accomplished. In your mind, you can look at one messy area and think, "Thursday is my day to address that area" and then keep going on enjoying your kiddos and hubby. You may already do this, but I know it has helped me a lot.

Jenni said...

I soooo feel like this sometimes too. I love your idea on how to tackle this problem. I am always thinking that I need to spend more time with Preston, but then like you said...other things get in the way and I never spend as much time with him as I wish I would. I like what you are doing...I should follow suit.

Haley said...

Good for you!! What a good Mom you are! And you go right ahead and watch TMZ. You deserve it!

Jim and Vanessa said...

Have fun by the way at Hawaii! Hopefully I'll have a new baby girl by the time you get back... crossing fingers. But I'm good. I have WAY more contractions than I ever had with the 1st baby though, I can't even believe it! But my worst complaint is just having a hard time sleeping, otherwise I really can't complain and I'm doing good. How are you guys doing? You must be good, you're in Hawaii!

Genevre said...

I have been wondering how you do it all. It can be hard, but I think every mother has this moment of realizing no everything can be done perfectly. I bet your kids don't care if there are crumbs, as long as you are there.

Mom Hodgson said...

Hi Becky
Have you read to poem "Song of the Fifth Child? If you haven't, it says something like this. Quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep, I am rocking my baby cause babies don't keep.

Good job, You have learned that which many do not learn until it is to late.