Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sweet Boy

My sweet Brenten. He has really loved his role as the big brother this time around. I think he and Cait are going to have a special bond. If he is gone for a little bit he just wants to snuggle and kiss her and hold hold. It is really cute. He can't help himself. Yesterday Christian was playing softball and I had young women's . They only overlapped for a little bit so Christian brought Cait to me and then the boys went with him. Brenten later asked me why Cait came with me and not softball. I told him she needed someone to take care of her. He responded with, " Mom I could have taken care of her. I didn't have to play." The crazy thing is that I think he would have been so happy to just sit and take care of Cait and keep her happy and not play on the playground at all.


4wheelschick said...

how precious. i love watching big brothers taking care of younger siblings. Too cute!

Kathlen said...

He is so cute!! I bet he is a big help!

Jenni said...

Awwwe that is so adorable~!

Chris and Kat said...

Big brothers are the best!