Monday, September 16, 2013

I'm back

Watch out.  I am trying to catch up on all these old posts that I have had in draft mode but just needed to add pictures to.  It is time to get caught up.  If anyone reads this, please bare with me.  There are going to be quite a few coming.

I kind of stopped for a few reasons.  One, I didn't think/know if anyone was even reading it and two, when January hits I get even busier than usual.  I decided that I don't care if anyone reads it.  I love to have it for the memories.  I love to scrapbook but by the time I get to it I forget all the little stories so this way I can keep that part. So please forgive my journal like writing skills.  I often don't have time for proofing and/or editing.  I don't claim to be a great or even good writer.  But I do want the stories and pictures together somewhere.  That way I can make them in my own little book.  I am kind of excited about that.

If anyone is reading this, I hope you enjoy.  I love my little family and all the crazy things we do.


Megan Goates said...

This is the best attitude for writing and keeping track of things---not caring what anybody else thinks about it or it's imperfections, and just doing it anyway. Good for you.

debra said...

I can't wait!