1st I had a meeting which meant the boys got to run and play with friends at the park. It seems to be the only day of the week we get to go to the park so they absolutely love it.
After the park we went to Saratoga Springs Fire Station. Apparentely, once a year the fire fighters have story time with the kids and then show them the fire house and the firetruck and ambulance. They also have one of the fire fighters dress up in all their gear and simulate a rescue. The purpose was to help the kids to not be scared of the fire fighters if they ever needed to be saved. Brenten loved it. thanks Gen for the invite.
Here is where the fun begins. On the way home, I just had to stop for a soda (my mom says this is what I get for having such a bad habit :) ) Within ten minutes of getting home Landon spilled all of my soda on the carpet. I didn't even get a sip of it yet. To make things worse I ran out of spot cleaner the day before. Thanks to great neighbors I was able to find some cleaner and went to work. This is about the time the AC repair man showed up. Did I mention we haven't had AC since Sunday so I was sweating to death. He had bad news. The repair wasn't as easy as he had hoped. (of course) But the upside was that I could do it myself and save $300.00. I said okay I will do it. What was I thinking. He had the AC took apart and there was all this nasty dirt and dog hair all wet and matted together. He said that the previous owners didn't bother to use a filter. Note to self. It is important to use and change filters. Just in case any of you are curious the picture below will ensure that I will always maintain the AC. The parts inside the AC are very fragile so I had to mostly hand pick out all the nastiness. After some dry heaving and most of my afternoon gone I think I have it good enough. However, 2 minutes in I thought, Becky pay the man the money. This is not worth it. Now we are waiting for the AC man to come back and put it back together for me. Wish me luck. We are melting.