Monday, July 21, 2008

A New Weaver on the Way

It official. I am pregnant again. This is number 3. We are so excited. I went to the doctor today and got our first ultra sound. Our due date is not until Feb. 15th. He said oh you could have a valentines baby and I said no way that baby better be out before then. Anyway.... for now I am waiting for this first trimester to be over and the sickness and my irritability will hopefully lessen.

The boys are so excited. Brenten tells everyone. Landon just calls it baby girl. I keep telling him we will have to wait and see if it is a girl or boy but at 2 he is pretty sure he is right. This could be interesting.


Your favorite sister said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Oh that is such wonderful news.I am so happy for you and your boys! I can't wait to hear all the updates!

Haley said...

Congrats! Wow! #3. It's been interesting adjusting to 2. I am so excited for you!!

Jenni said...

Okay this is a VERY belated congratulations as I am sooooo behind on reading up on blogs. But yay!! That is so great!!! So how far along are you now? If you're due in Feb.....probably what like 9 or 10 weeks?