Friday, September 5, 2008

Funny Boys

My last blog was pretty negative so here is a funny one. Today Brenten Landon and I are on our way to the gym. On the drive in Brenten and I had a pretty good conversation that had me laughing so hard.

B: So mom when are you going to see Oprah?
M: What are you talking about?
B: Mom when are you going to see Oprah?
M: Brenten I am not going to Oprah.
B: When are you going to see Oprah? I know you are going.
M: Seriously I am not going to Oprah and have no plans to go to Oprah. Why would you think this?
B: Well when the six babies come out you will have to go to Oprah.
M: Laugh, Laugh.......Brenten there is only one baby in my belly. Only one.
It wasn't until this point that I remembered that Jon & Kate plus 8 were on Oprah yesterday and I had it on. But I no idea how he thought I would have 6. Brenten has such a vivid imagination. I can hardly handle one in me let alone multiples.


4wheelschick said...

Isn't it funny how kids put things together. That would be pretty fun if you really were going to Oprah show.

The Reimers Family said...

Maybe he knows something that you don't!

Terra said...

So funny! Their little minds are always working. You should send that conversation in to the Oprah show and see if anything comes of it!

Jim and Vanessa said...

That conversation you and Brenten had is so funny!! My next appt is friday. So hopefully we'll hear a good little heartbeat! That's cool how your baby turned to face forward, you can see the face! I can't believe how big ours is getting. And it looks like we are exactly 4 weeks apart.

4wheelschick said...

We are going to be up in SLC temple on friday the 19th i think. i'm not sure what are plans are exactly because we are family friends so we are invited to the lunceon that day and then the reception that night. I think Will wants to go four wheeling with his brother, so maybe I could hook it up with you while he goes four wheeling. It would be 4 hours or so on Saturday. The other trip is to Vegas i think. Moving to Vegas is not out of the picture, but it probably would be a little bit because we have to get our business set up in Nevada. There might be a trip to Arizona later, not sure yet.

Haley said...

How funny! I love john and kate plus 8. Sad I missed it!:)

swilkie12 said...

I love him he's amazingly funny! I agree he knows something you don't know. maybe you will end up on Oprah... ;0)