Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Please Help me with my Blog!!!!

Every time I change my background for my blog the old template remains around my text. Why is this? I would like to change all to be the same but I can't find out how. If you have the answer, you can first laugh because it is pretty easy and should be obvious, but when you are done laughing please leave a comment so I can fix it.


4wheelschick said...

if you go to the layout there are options in the for changing the background. Are you putting your templates in as an html ? or how are you doing it?

4wheelschick said...

or if that doesn't work. Change your template to one of the blogger tempates (i think the first one). Then change the background.

Your favorite sister said...

OK I am not a computer expert AT ALL but...I switched mine over to LeeLou blogs. I had to go into options, then template and delete EVERYTHING. All the html that was like a mile long. She has complete instructions. If you want to stay on blogger and use one of theirs, I think you can just switch. Other than that, I am afraid I have no idea! :(

4wheelschick said...

yup...no problem. Do you want to have breakfast or lunch at a park this weekend?