Friday, September 5, 2008

Gym Complaints

Okay, when I go to the gym, I do not go to socialize. However, I must put off a vibe that contradicts my intentions. My intentions are to go to the gym and work out. that is pretty much it. Now if I see someone I know of course I would stop and talk. But the random creeps who I am okay with not knowing not so much.

This has happened to me twice very recently. Usually I do classes and I am pretty good at ignoring my surroundings if I am lifting or on the treadmill. Sometimes I guess it doesn't matter. I was in the Cinema room. If that doesn't scream DON'T TALK TO ME, I don't know what does. And some weird guy asked how long the movie was on. Okay no problem. I tell him it just started. Then he makes comments on how he has been wanting so see it. I ignored him but thought, "Dude, its Shall we Dance" you should be embarrassed to make that comment and should be walking out. But no you actually know the movie. Even though I ignored him he continued to give me commentary for the next 30 minutes. Thank goodness I was already on there for 20 minutes when he started. Even with me being rude he still talked and talked and talked.

Now the thought did cross my mind to move machines, tell him to stop talking, or leave. But know I didn't want to hurt the annoying creepy guys feelings who I don't know. Why do I care?

You would think I had learned my lesson but I was stretching out yesterday after working out. I made sure to be by myself. And with in 2 minutes a different creepy old guy comes and talks to me. And continues to stand by me and bring up random comments. It still took me 10 minutes before I got up and stormed off.

So annoying!!!!! I wish I could be more direct and just tell them that it is not flattering or welcoming but just creepy. Please all the creeps leave me alone. Please don't ruin the one time a day that I get to be by myself and have some peace.


The Reimers Family said...

Try taking of the creep magnet!

Tammy said...

Are you wearing a wedding ring? Maybe you could just pretend you don't speak english or wear earphones........Good luck!! I'm jealous that you get to go to the gym. I told Jeremiah that we are somehow going to figure out how I can go after this baby, I can't wait to get back into shape.

swilkie12 said...

I love you becky! I will admit you do have a 'please talk my ear off' sign on your forehead...or that could be just cuz your my aunt and you like to talk to me. Who knows....;0)

Haley said...

Love, love, LOVE your stories! You'd think of all places you wouldn't have to converse would be the cardio cinema! Thanks for a good laugh!