Monday, May 24, 2010

I'm not ready for my baby to grow up

So yesterday Brenten and I were walking home from church and he was holding my hand. Me being the cheeser I am, was swinging his arm as we walked. Then this teenage boy behind me said, "haha Brenten, are you holding your Mommy's hand? So cute." obviously making fun of him. So I told Brenten it is cool to hold my hand. And then he quietly looked at me and said, "Mom it is NOT cool but if you stop swinging my arm, I will still hold your hand." I was a little sad that he is starting to think it isn't cool but couldn't be too sad because he didn't care and still held my hand. My sweet boy. Oh and don't worry, I told the teen aged boy that he ruined my day and making fun of a 6 year old is NOT cool. At least I could leave with a smile on my face.

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