Friday, January 9, 2009

Really Brenten a plastic bag!!!!!

Okay so I am trying to be good and sit on the couch. The boys are behind the couch playing with one of their toys. Or so I thought. This is how Brenten drags Landon to me and asks me to zip it up the rest of the way. and I said REALLY BRENTEN A PLASTIC BAG!!! Landon thought it was funny and Brenten couldn't understand why I wouldn't zip him up and he had to get out. I ruin all the fun.


chris w said...

LOL!!! But why, mom?!
I don't think they have any of their dad in them at all. :)

Genevre said...

That is so is those time when I wonder how different my days would be if it where girls and not boys that I have, I wonder if your little girl will follow her brothers in mischief or just look at them and shake her head.

Chris and Kat said...

I am sure she will follow them into mischief. I love the mixed signals we give our kids. "You shouldn't be doing that! but quick grab my camera and smile!" I do it all the time.

The Reimers Family said...

I shouldn't have laughed, but I did really hard! This is why you need to call me and let me help you free your children from death traps!

swilkie12 said...

That is so funny!!! Tell brenton and landon to keep up the good in the imagination department! so how do you like being on bed rest?

The Dixons said...

This is hillarious!