Monday, August 31, 2009

soccer...I mean bunch ball

I just had to get in a video. This is so funny. Brenten holds his own better than I thought. He is so laid back that I didn't know if he would get in there and be aggressive. Apparently I need to work on my camera skills. I looked up and forgot what I was doing. If you would have seen the end of the clip Brenten got the ball back and almost made a goal until one of his teammates took the ball away. Gotta love Bunch Ball. Go number 7. Brenten is happy to tell that they are 2-0.


4wheelschick said...

Good Job Brenten!

Mom said...

What an awesome grandson. Good job!!!

Terra said...

Go Brenten! Watching the little ones play soccer is so funny! Great memories.

chris w said...

So awesome. He's got the Weaver competitivenessin that sweet little personality.

Genevre said...

I am sorry inadvance for when Ian picks up the ball just as Brenton is about to score...we are just hoping he kicks the ball by the end of the season.