Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Brenten's Surgery

Brenten had surgery a couple of weeks ago. He had tubes for the 3rd time and his adenoids out for the second time. We were told they could grow back but didn't really think much of it. Well they grew back with vengeance. A couple of months ago he went in to the doc for a routine check up 6 months out from his last tubes surgery. And that is when they told us his one ear drum was a little flat but he was getting over another ear infection so that was to be expected. We went in a couple weeks ago to follow up and it was still flat and he has a little flap of skin on his ear drum. For both the answer is tubes. The doc wanted him in sooner than later and so he went in 2 days later for surgery. Tubes is such an easy surgery. We didn't know what to expect recovery wise with the adenoids because the last time we he had them removed we did tonsils too. Apparently, adenoids are a fairly easy recovery. He had to recover from the anethesia and he had horrible breath and some referred pain to his ears but he went back to school on Friday after surgery on Wednesday. He was so tired after school and for the rest of the weekend that we probably shouldn't have let him go. The day after surgery he told us he can taste again. Poor kid. Who knew he couldn't taste. Anyway, he can taste, talk, hear and smell better. I am so glad it does not have to be a big deal to take care of these things on my little guys body.


The Reimers Family said...

Poor kid! I'm glad that things are a little more normal for him.

Jen H. said...

He is such a trooper! You have such great kids and I am so glad that everything went well, hope he is feeling better!

Unknown said...

I feel pity for Brenten about his surgical treatment on this age.Good luck.