Wednesday, April 20, 2011


We are expecting again and this time there is a little more excitement involved. We are having 2 babies. It is still very overwhelming. So much to do and so little time before "my belly is so big that I won't be able to get off the couch" (that's what Brenten told me). He did follow with that's okay I will bring you food. What a good kid.

Sorry the rest will be boring but I want to remember........

Let's start with the important stuff. My due date is 11/11/11. Which makes me 10weeks and 4 days pregnant. I went to the doctor yesterday and had a little sit down chat with him and then he did the ultrasound. Right as he put it on my belly I saw two black circles (their little homes). But then he zoomed in on one and did some measurements. I was really just telling myself it was my imagination. Then he said "do you see the blinking, that's the heart beat" and then he zoomed out and said "And there is the other heart beat". I really do think I had a panic attack. That is what I am guessing. My chest tightened and I was breathing uneven and apparently my face was all red. I ask a few random questions and he told me a bunch of stuff that I am sure I will have to ask about again. Then I left to go tell Christian. Does he have a panic/anxiety attack when I tell him. Nope. He just said, I knew it last night. I couldn't believe how calm he was. He made me sit for a while before he would even let me drive home. I was glad that later in the evening he just kept saying 2 babies, so maybe there was a level of freak out that he was just hiding better then me.

One thing we found out at the docs appointment is that I have to have a c section. Brenten was a c-section but I have had 2 very successful VBACs since (vaginal birth after c section). But now with 2 they don't know how my uterus will stretch and what my scar tissue is like. I guess the one positive is that they can tie my tubes while they are in there.

People have asked if I have had any idea. Yes I have known for weeks. I would say I was in denial. For every experience or symptom I have had, I had a justification for it. That being said I did keep joking about it to a handful of people. Part of me felt I was just being dramatic.

-Right after I found out we were pregnant, I had a couple of dreams that they were twins.
My sister had 2 twins almost 2 years ago so maybe that is why it is stuck in my head.
-I got sick starting at 4 weeks. I mean sick sick. And I normally have morning sickness but nothing until 8 weeks. Actually I usually don't even feel pregnant until about 8 weeks and then it all hits me.
I figure I am super busy and pretty stressed so that is why.
-Extreme tiredness. I mean complete exhaustion. Yes I have been tired with the others but this is so tired all the time that breathing seems like an effort tired. Which is getting a tiny bit better. Still tired but I am able to breath.
My excuse, I'm old and busy.
-started showing really REALLY early. Normally by 10 weeks I am telling Christian I am showing and he laughs at me. This time I am bigger than my niece who is nearly 20 weeks pregnant. I don't even fit in my fat pants anymore. I can wear them but they are unbuttoned and unzipped. Crazy. I am going to get HUGE.
It is my 4th (well now I know 5th too) but maybe I am showing early because it is #4 and my body just knows what to do.
-I saw my brother last weekend and he asked how far along I am and I said 10 weeks and he looked at my belly and said "Are you trying to be like Amy and have twins". I laughed and said Not funny.
Brothers always say stuff like that. All boys think they are funny and brother think they are funnier than most.
-The night before my appointment I felt the baby move on one side of my belly. You know the fluttering movement. And then I felt it move on the other side of my belly. Knowing my baby is barely over an inch long, and that there is no way it could be felt on both sides at the same time.
My thought: Stop thinking there are two, when you are only ready for one.

I think even amidst all my denial I should have been prepared. But really I don't think you can really ever be prepared for when you see them on that little ultra sound screen.

We are really excited. They must be such best friends they didn't want to to be separated. Now to get ready. WOW we have a lot to do. Like...where are 5 kids going to sleep. :)


Brittany said...

I am still in shock! But what an exciting time for you and your family. I can't wait to hear if they are boys or girls or one of each. Did you see in your dream?
Please let me know if I can help in anyway. Congratulations!!

The Reimers Family said...

I can't even wrap my head around this, I can nly imagine how you must be feeling. You are an awesome and strong woman and I know you will be able to handle this. I'm looking forward to your updates! Congratulations, Becky!

Keri said...

When I talked with Christian he was really calm and honestly full of faith. He's a great guy. It's like I told you earlier, you have great friends and neighbors around you. You know where I am. Just tell the boys to go to 'Keri Keith's'. hehehehe

the Wight's said...

Congratulations! We are so excited for you. If anyone could raise twins it is you and christian. You guys are amazing.

Jen H. said...

When I told David he just laughed and then we saw I wasn't he was like are you serious!?! Then said it was a good thing Christian was already bald! But on a serious note, you guys are such awesome parents, and I know you will be great. You have some of the best kids I have ever meet, seriously, and I would love to watch them again ANYTIME you need it!

Genevre said...

Wow! I heard the news and had to come read it the tale! Such exciting news!! I can't wait to see your belly. You guys are such great parents, whats 2 more right? I will start a charitable fund at Zion in your name for diapers :)

Elder Tanner said...

I am so excited for you Becky!! It takes a special kind of mom to have twins!

Jenni said...

Wow!! Oh my gosh...I would totally be freaking out that is for sure. Congratulations! I have to say that I have always wanted twins because you get 2 for the price of 1 pregnancy...but I know it's going to be hard. I'm sure you will have lots of helping hands though! So your sister had twins too? Does twins run in the family a lot?

debra said...

You should check with your insurance about getting your tubes tied at the same time. My s-i-l's sister's insurance would pay for a c-section, but not the elective tubal ligation. And because they couldn't "differentiate" they wouldn't pay for the c-section if she tried to pay cash for the tubal. Crappy deal, so check it out now.

4wheelschick said...

LOVE YOU!!! ENJOY THE RIDE! I'm sorry about the morning sickness...mine went aways at 3 months exactly, so hopefully that is the same for you. the tiredness didn't go away for me...I actually started having stroke like symptoms which my doc told me it was mal-nutritian and sleep depirvation. Even though it is hard to eat with such little space, just try to eat things that give you most value to a meal. Since you can't eat much, it requires high volumes of nutrition in small amounts. Might think about using slim fast just for the nutrician, or something similar to that. I don't know, just an idea. Just really take it easy as much as you can. If you can just make it past the 30 week mark you will be good. Has the doctor set your goals yet? Mine always said, you have to make it to....May...then once May got here he would you need to make it to June. That is the way I made it through it. I'm praying for you and thinking of you every day. I hope all goes smoothly for you and your growing family.

Stallion said...

Congratulations Becky! That is so awesome. I tried to talk Heavenly Father into sending me two for one - but I guess that wasn't part of his plan :(

Hope everything goes perfectly!

Stallion said...

SO funny!.... I guess I am logged in under my hubby's email. This is Jocelyn. aka "stallion" for today

The Thackers said...

Congrats! I agree it would be a bit intimidating but you guys are awesome! You can do this!!! :) Once you have them here, you'll forget all about the freaking out! lol! Hope all goes well!!!