I am finally half way done being pregnant. Wahoo!!!! In some ways, it feels like it has been so long. Some of the good stuff. I can feel the baby moving pretty much anytime I sit down. Pretty cool. Christian has felt the baby a ton. The boys think they have but I don't think they really have. I am glad that the holidays are coming for a couple of reasons. One I give myself permission to eat what ever I want. And two, the holidays are kind of count downs until the baby gets here. Since Brenten still doesn't have a very good sense of time. I can tell him all the things that have to happen before the baby comes. (including his birthday) I finally am starting to get a little bit of my energy back.
Some of the not so good stuff. Migraines are still an issue but I am dealing. All I have to say is Tylenol is a joke. But I am trying to drink more water. So far it is just causing me to pee a ton but I am going to keep with it. I figure that is an easy enough thing to try. The heartburn is really starting to get me most of the time. The nasty tums are starting to taste better which means I am taking way too many of them. There is one weird thing and tell me if any one else has had this. I can't stand my own smell. Normally (not pregnant Becky) I don't really smell myself and if I use deodorant I don't stink much. However, I can't stand my own smell unless I have lots of smelly lotion on. And when I am working out it is awful. Christian will say I don't smell bad but in my nose it is the worst. I am confident he would tell me the truth so I guess it is good that I am not grossing other people out but I am sure grossing myself out.
That is weird about the smell thing. But then again, everything is amplified when you're prego. Congrats on making 20 weeks. Half way! Yahoo!
I blog hopped to yours from Jenni's belly blog.
I wanted to let you know that for heartburn, I would drink a cup of hot tea. My favorite was no caffine (duh) Bigelow Apple & Cinnamon tea. Add a little sugar and it is very tasty. It always helped. Another tip would be if you know you are going to eat something that might give you the heartburn, drink the tea right after. It seems to calm your tummy.
Much luck with the next 20 weeks! Will you be finding out the gender?
take care,
Bobbi-Jo High
Switch your deodorant, I had the same problem. You need to start thinking about when you want me to throw your shower!
I used to get really bad heartburn. however, no smell issues!! sorry. It is so hard to explain to kids how long the 9 months is!
I bet the smell is just in your nose...which translates to your brain. Some smells really grossed me out when I was pregnant.
well, if christian won't be honest with you, i guess it is my job...hehe Magnesium for migraines. i will check the dosage and e-mail you. Heartburn. Find a place like the Co-op or Fred Meyer and get Pregnancy tea. good luck
I had serious smell issues when I was prego with Easton. I could not stand the way my apartment smelled. It didn't smell funny to me before I got pregnant and didn't smell funny to anyone else, but I couldn't stand it!!! I can still remember the feelings I would get when I would walk in to door. Sorry for the forever long comment! ;0
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